Friday, October 06, 2006

A Few Thoughts

I just wanted to say that I know there are many, many people who would love to see my mom before she passes away and who may not get the opportunity. We're going to try to set up times that work for Laurel when folks outside of the family can drop in for short visits... I'm not sure when this will be, but in the meantime, if you are aching to see her, please call the hospice first and the nurses will ask Laurel when would be a good time for a drop in.

My Aunt Dar and I are arranging an outing for my mom to Rithet's Bog, the place where she and I ran together every day for ten years. It's a very dear place to mom. It's going to be quite the production with mom in the wheelchair and me with my stroller... who woulda thought, twelve years ago when we first discovered the bog together. I'm also going to try to get ahold of the couple who adopted our beloved golden retriever, Maizie, to see if they wouldn't mind loaning her to us for a few hours one day.

My mom would appreciate letters or cards (or flowers! she'd never ask for them, but they brighten her day!)... Also, if you have any funny DVDs you wouldn't mind lending, mom has a portable DVD player in her room. Again, we're not trying to sheild mom from the many friends who love her, but her energy gets less and less every day. It has truly been an alarmingly rapid decline and my brother, sister, Rick and I only get to hang out with her for a few minutes each per day.


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