Friday, October 13, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Mom's decided to return home on Monday. It was a difficult decision for her, but it feels right to everyone that she be in her own space. The Red Cross delivered all the necessary goodies today~ a reclining chair, a wheelchair, a hospital bed, a wedge for the matrimonial bed and a plethora of other paraphenalia.

We had another family meeting today to discuss the logistics of mom going home. In terms of folks outside of the family visiting, mom would like to limit the hours to 12pm-2pm on Wednesdays. Mom can't have conversations at this point as she drifts in and out, but she welcomes you to sit with her and hold her hand. Please limit the length of your visits to under 10 minutes. If you really want to see her, it would be best to plan a visit within the next few weeks.

If you're looking for ways to reach out to Mom and Rick, food is love. They would absolutely appreciate casseroles and any other "heat 'n' serve" type meals. Mom specifically requests tuna casserole on a regular basis.


Blogger Raffi Aftandelian said...

We have never met, but I have heard lots about you in the past few years, being a fellow openspacer. And am thinking of you and will hold you in my prayers.


12:13 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

For Laurel, my thoughts and love and a wish for clear and boundless apce are with you, Rick and the kids.



12:19 AM  
Blogger The Good Planet Company said...

(From Harriet Graham)

Dear Laurel & Family,
Just to let you know that I'm praying for you all. Also sending you Reiki energy frequently.
I thought you might like to have this quotation from the Bhagavagita:

Never the Spirit was born; The spirit shall cease to be never, never was time it was not, end & beginnings are dreams!
Breathless & deathless & changeless remaineth the spirit forever, death has not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems.

My thoughts are with you.
Love, Harriet

4:24 PM  
Blogger The Good Planet Company said...

(from Bonnie Jean)

Dear Laurel,

I only met you twice but I will remember you always. When I first sat beside you at the healing circle at Queenswood for Susan I was blown away by your energy, (and your laughing eyes).
Know that you are very loved by many people even some you only met for a few minutes.

With love from Bonnie Jean Devine

4:27 PM  

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